Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Gleurp!

New Year's eve started with barfing this year- not us, thank god, but as our friends Ania and Bogusz showed up with their son Jonazs, he puked all over himself and about 4-5 more times before we got the kids to bed! Not pleasant for us but worse for him! Thank god our washing machine and drier were working!

It was a nice, quiet night, though, with lovely cake that Ania made and a great meal that Geoff made, wine, beer, port, whiskey and chatting!

Today Mae and I have been cuddled up on the floor in front of the fire- nice and cosy.

I am looking forward to a great 2007 and I hope everyone has a wonderful, prosperous year!!

1 comment:

Bethanne Reynolds said...

sounds like a nice night & day. I hope the boy is feeling better today! happy new year!