Monday, January 08, 2007

Back to work

or not. Mae's childminder called this morning and is very very sick with the flu. She called this evening as well, saying that she was still ill (quite obvious as she sounded like Joe Cocker) and that she was even hallucinating today, and forgot that her mother came to pick up her son!! So, we will wait till she's all better to send Mae back, in case we lose her!!!! Yikes!
PS- Uncle Andrew, Mae called me Bud the Spud in a public place today. I blame you.

1 comment:

John and Sharon said...

Bud the Spud. Better than Dumpy Mummy, which I have had. She was trying to say humpty dumpty. Not that I want to be called that either. Bud the Spud has got some intrigue to it anyway; a stranger might you could play bluegrass banjo.