Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Fuzzy Dad

Mae is obsessed by Monsters Inc, the movie, which she saw on Boxing day, Then Geoff and I saw it at the library, so rented it. She has watched it EVERY day. And the funniest thing? I don't know if you remember the movie but there's a bit where the 'scare floor' is starting, and all the top scarers come in in a group, with Sully in the lead, in slow mo'.....every time Mae sees that, she says- 'that guy is like my dad!'

What do you think? (Every single time she says it, remember)

( I'm starting to see it myself......) Picture courtesy of Wikipedia.

Still singing at church. Mae and I went to the local Baptist church on Sunday. Great people, great speaker dude (apparently he is a minister, I am so useless I kept calling him a priest). It was really nice, actually, I was pleasantly surprised. And Mae went to a creche stylee thing and liked it as well. Then there was coffee after! Geez, I thought it was a bonus not having to kneel every 5 minutes, but biscuits! Praise the lord!! Hee hee.

I really need to catch up on my theological learnings, though. I don't know the difference between a laurel wreath and a crown of thorns. Geoff thought that was pretty funny. I may have to smite him. Then again, he does look like a monster, that's probably enough on his shoulders for the moment.


Jen said...

I'll repent for the drinking next Sunday. Actually, not drinking much this year- need to lose weight but I really thought that my idea of a skinny wino would work- alas not. Just a fat wino.

Bethanne Reynolds said...

Say thank you to Mae who keeps me laughing. What's great about this post is that when I open it, I'm not disappointed at not seeing a new one, because this one is just so funny! No offense to Geoff... quite the opposite. See you soon I hope!

amanda mosher said...

Hi Guys
Glad to see you turned Baptist!!! My mother will be proud of you Jen. hahah. We've been going to church for more than a year now and my mother still talks to me so don't worry. As for the drinking, I gave it up and gained 10lbs so good luck to you.
Julia turns the big 5 tomorrow!!!
Take care