Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Just in case you thought I was ALL sweetness and light

Boy am I ever cranky- which goes to show I am way behind the times because apparently January 22nd is supposed to be the most 'depressed' day of the year. I always miss the trends.

Nevertheless......since Britain is (or was, now that Crappy Celebrity Big Brother is over) in the news due to the hate and racism here, I thought I would join in the action.

Except the only races I hate are motor races and marathons (as any sane person would!)

So I will just talk about my current pet peeves. These are numerous:

Cats that bring birds into your bed at night.

People who eat off the back of forks- what is that about? LOOK AT THE SHAPE! IT'S FOR SCOOPING! ( I stole this pic from Woodlans Junior school's webiste- this is wrong as well.)

When you tell someone about your cat bringing a half-dead bird into your bed, the 100 stories about all the damn pets they have ever had. NEVER tell a cat- lover any pet story. You'll never get out.

Well, that's not too bad, looking at it. In act, I feel alot better for getting it off my chest.

This is probably a bad time to tell all the people who read this that you can now comment if you don't have a blog. That means Aubrey and Rita, Claire and Simon, Natalie, Amy, the Cranmers, etc etc. NO cat lover stories. I don't care about your cats.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

The All- Canadian Day Out

Fun with the Reid girls and the Reynolds parents this week. I got roped into babysitting (see Sharon's blog):

This is what we got up to:

I think I might leave it at that- you may need to use your imagination.

That's all for now- make sure you check out my new fave site. Boff the Hoff.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Baptist to Buddhist

Me and Mae didn't go to church today- not in the mood. Instead we went to the local Buddhist Monastery! The Samye Ling monastery is the first in the western world, and it is about 20 miles away, which sounds close, but is still the middle of nowhere.

It was great- what a nice drive, very Canadian with trees trees trees. The grounds are nuts, as you are driving through the Scottish hills, really brutal and barren once you get up to Eskdalemuir, where it is, then you come upon prayer flags, golden buddhas, white stone shrines, etc. Mae said 'Look, it's a party!'

Here is a picture of the wish tree, where you hang a ribbon, then as the ribbon fades in the elements so your wish is granted.

Here's my little wish come true, but we did hang a ribbon for someone......

And this was a corridor walk (it was new, so this is the outside) and these cannisters turn around constantly
'throwing off the mantras that are on them'. Beautiful concept.

What a wonderful day. Just take a look at the link.

Here's a note though: we saw four pheasants, two herons, three peahens, one peacock, two robins, three hundred and eighty thousand sheep, eight cows but not one damn yak. Bummer.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Up the garden path

This is where we are being led on the potty training front, I think. Mae sometimes sits on the potty when we change her, and has a pee, sometimes not. Sometimes goes around naked, sometimes wants a new nappy on immediately so she can use it. I have had enough. I fear we have missed the boat.
The solution? Star chart.

I never wanted to be that kind of parent, who rewards kids for things they should be doing, and I'm sure that there is no major problem, Mae is just sometimes too chilled out.

Today we went to Dalton Pottery (great place!) The Cows were in the Cow Parade in Edinburgh last summer. We saw a few in town, they were nuts. Check out my link!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Fuzzy Dad

Mae is obsessed by Monsters Inc, the movie, which she saw on Boxing day, Then Geoff and I saw it at the library, so rented it. She has watched it EVERY day. And the funniest thing? I don't know if you remember the movie but there's a bit where the 'scare floor' is starting, and all the top scarers come in in a group, with Sully in the lead, in slow mo'.....every time Mae sees that, she says- 'that guy is like my dad!'

What do you think? (Every single time she says it, remember)

( I'm starting to see it myself......) Picture courtesy of Wikipedia.

Still singing at church. Mae and I went to the local Baptist church on Sunday. Great people, great speaker dude (apparently he is a minister, I am so useless I kept calling him a priest). It was really nice, actually, I was pleasantly surprised. And Mae went to a creche stylee thing and liked it as well. Then there was coffee after! Geez, I thought it was a bonus not having to kneel every 5 minutes, but biscuits! Praise the lord!! Hee hee.

I really need to catch up on my theological learnings, though. I don't know the difference between a laurel wreath and a crown of thorns. Geoff thought that was pretty funny. I may have to smite him. Then again, he does look like a monster, that's probably enough on his shoulders for the moment.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Should I stay or should I go?

I'm thinking church, I'm thinking God and Jesus and all that, however listen to these facts:

I went to church on Christmas Day ( I even sang-or wait maybe that was the problem....)

Because life has been crap ever since! Sick after that, then Geoff sick, then the childminder sick, then she called last night to say Mae could go over today, so back to work with ease, then my car is just NOT MOVING!!! Some wheel thingy is jammed. This has been a crap year so far, I must say. (No offence to friends who visited, all that was fun..!)

So, I was planning to take Mae to church again on Sunday, hence the question. Any answers? Maybe I shouldn't sing?

Monday, January 08, 2007

Back to work

or not. Mae's childminder called this morning and is very very sick with the flu. She called this evening as well, saying that she was still ill (quite obvious as she sounded like Joe Cocker) and that she was even hallucinating today, and forgot that her mother came to pick up her son!! So, we will wait till she's all better to send Mae back, in case we lose her!!!! Yikes!
PS- Uncle Andrew, Mae called me Bud the Spud in a public place today. I blame you.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Magnanimous or Cruel?

Just wondering what the buzzword will be for 2007. I like magnanimous:

1 : showing or suggesting a lofty and courageous spirit

2 : showing or suggesting nobility of feeling and generosity of mind

and will try to fit it in wherever possible.

Oh, and here's a quick pic of a new coat I got in the sale in Carlisle, where Geoff and I went yesterday for a nice day out. (It goes well with my new scarf, eh?)

And with regards to cruel, you be the judge....which was more cruel: leaving the Tabasco sauce out for Mae and telling her repeatedly and strongly not to eat it, rather than just putting it away and removing risk, or taking the time out to take this photo after the fact???

It looks cruel, but she had ice-cream for supper, which she thoroughly enjoyed after a few minutes. Poor wee thing!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

The World's Best Parents

You don't think I meant Geoff and I, do you? Good lord, that would be crazy- no, I mean John and Sharon, who are so chilled with their gals, even when it's bed at 11.30 and up at 5.30- there is something about Mae, Heather and Ailsa never sleeping when they are together. Ugh. It was an early day but a great one!

Last night we played parlour games (so retro, so ironic) and had some in-depth discussions about the usual suspects- except I can't really remember today..am so tired!

Today we went to the forest for a long walk which was great then onto the pub at Kippford, which is a tiny fishing village about 15 miles from here. Then kite flying and treasure hunting on the beach. I got some lovely beach glass and pottery, Geoff tells me it's plumbing items. I believe beauty and functionality can go together (so long as there's no shit stains).

Then back home for some fun at the dinner table. See, when Mae doesn't eat for me, I scream/shout/tear my hair out/tear her hair out. This is what John does.....

And here is the requested photo of Mae and Scooter, her fave puppy from Uncle Chris.

He barks. And barks. And barks. This is war.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Gleurp!

New Year's eve started with barfing this year- not us, thank god, but as our friends Ania and Bogusz showed up with their son Jonazs, he puked all over himself and about 4-5 more times before we got the kids to bed! Not pleasant for us but worse for him! Thank god our washing machine and drier were working!

It was a nice, quiet night, though, with lovely cake that Ania made and a great meal that Geoff made, wine, beer, port, whiskey and chatting!

Today Mae and I have been cuddled up on the floor in front of the fire- nice and cosy.

I am looking forward to a great 2007 and I hope everyone has a wonderful, prosperous year!!