Mae and I had to pick up some cinema tickets at the Burns Centre, which has a tiny independent film theatre in it (which apparently you can rent for £18 for you and all your pals! Cool!) the other day. The centre also has a cafe/upmarket (for Dumfries) restaraunt called Hulabaloo's, as well as a Robert Burns exhibition.
Mae decided that I needed to learn more about Rabbie so she hauled me upstairs (I have no idea how many times she has been there, but never with me) and gave me the tour:
'this is what Dumfries looked like when Robert Burns and his wife, Jean Armour lived here'
'this is his soldiers jacket'
'this is his sword'
etc, etc.
After this we were on our way out and she said she needed a 'wee break and a bite to eat, do you want a coffee' trying to entice me into Hulabaloo's. After a bit of wrangling she hauled me upstairs. There were about 9 people in there. Five of them shouted 'Mae! How ya doing!!?'
Oh my god.
She is only 4. 5?
You are in for a wild ride for a lot more years. And we are in for hilarious blogs.
What a great feeling! She'll be running for Mayor one day!
Or Queen of Galloway.
I'd vote for her.
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