Monday, February 02, 2009

Dancing the Night Away

This is about 2 minutes- you don't have to wach it all!!!

Actually the dancing is so that we can all SLEEP the night away, although one pee and one nightmare usually puts a halt to that. But, she is pretty good in a crazy hilarious way!!


momjoan said...

That is absolutely FANTASTIC!!!
You are Non's favorite dancer!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! You could market this as an exercise video - "Get in Shape for May by Mae", I think I could do most of these moves except the three at the end. I somewhat cannot touch my ankle to my knee while raising my arms but I'll keep trying.

Anonymous said...

Joan, I was there first!!!

Anonymous said...

I love the final moves where Mae executes a flying whistling move. Excellent!

Uncle Andrew

tracey said...

Wow! That made my night! What an entertainer!

Anonymous said...

We are coming for a 2-day dance course in MaeMoves.

Anonymous said...

thanks for permission to quit midway but i'm glad i stuck it out... those moves at the end are worth the wait!

Anonymous said...

Dear Mae,
I liked it a lot. Maybe you should be on TV as a super dancing star. Maybe some day we can have a dance party and kareoke night together.

Love Jillian (& Aunt Rosemary - the scribe :-)).