Sunday, December 03, 2006

Rain Rain get lost

Holy moly- the toon is flooded! We got back from a weekend at Lilian and Ross's (good weekend, I shopped all Saturday while Geoff adn Ross fixed my car AS well put in a new kick ass sound system, and Lilian babysat- nice!) and the town was flooded, here are some pics- if you don't know Dumfries, and most of you don't, directly across the river is a large car park, which is now under water. And the rapids under the bridge are never there.

Here's also a pic of the painting I did for Lilian, which looks good in their house, if I do say so myself. More pics to follow, a close up of the turquise bits, which are beads threaded on copper wires. They look nice! Yay! (I take commissions......)

1 comment:

St. Louis Family said...

I didn't know you painted! It's absolutely beautiful!