Oh my god is it almost Christmas? Holy crap, I even feel ready for it! Of course, when planning a fairly stress free Christmas it is always important to plan to be somewhere else, and if you can't do that, have your mom come and stay.
The point being, you don't have to cook!
I think that would be the most stressful bit. I have managed, in my short life (or long, depending on how you count it) to avoid Christmas cooking. So this year we are going up to Edinburgh where we will be staying with Chris and Elaine and spending Christmas day with the parents. Lilian will be the main cook this year, and I am looking forward to it! And next year my mom will visit, so that's two years running taken care of. The year after that we'll go away, maybe.
I am so excited!
I can't wait for Mae to open her gifts! I am slightly freaking though as she contines to ask for a yucky Barbie, by which she means a Bratz doll. If you have ever seen them you realise they are Barbie's younger whore cousins. They are TERRIBLE! Mae is actually getting a real Barbie for Christmas, she's equestrian, which is cool, and she is from her nana and poppa, which is good for the moral issues facing the guilt-ridden, ethically minded yet surprisingly conservative and frightened modern parent. I don't know where the ethics come in. I had a Barbie and I certainly don't have major body issues. Just the normal ones any fat ass like me SHOULD have. Nuttin wrong with that.
She is also getting an airplane, hot wheels, art stuff and other non- gender specific plastic things. So she will be alright. The only thing I am seriously worried about is if she feels disappointed about the failure of the yucky Barbie to show. That would be bad......
Anyway, blah blah, like I said, excited- will post pics as soon as it all happens!
Merry Christmas to all, and to all, a good night!
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