Sunday, December 10, 2006

Fantooples and Wuzzles

Our Christmas tree looks like something out of Who-ville. Any suggestions for a top? We have a silver star but we need something bigger, especially as this tree has three tops.

Mae also got a great letter from Santa! Blitzens foot is sore, but don't worry, it will be as good as new for Christmas. Did you know Santa lives in Glasgow? He goes South for the winter these days, I suspect it has something to do with arthritis. Balmy Glasgow would help.

1 comment:

John and Sharon said...

Hmmm...3 tops. 3 wise men? Miniature Jen, Geoff and Mae characters? Santa, an angel and a secular town councillor all with boxing gloves on? I think the tree looks great, free, expressive, creative, allowed to grow as it wanted, not all controlled and prescribed.