Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Some jobs are good, some jobs are good but hard and some jobs are just crap.

Not sure that our jobs are crap, just really busy and relentless. It feels like we haven't had a proper holiday in ages. I was worried before we moved to this house that the garden would be too big a job, but the summer so far has been glorious so my favourite job is deadheading roses. I might have to keep some just to deadhead them. Every night I have to do about 30 minutes around the garden just deadheading.

I also like discovering new things. We have two great mock oranges, one is hidden behind a lilac and a buddleia, which will be chopped down to make it stand out more. We also have a fruiting cherry tree!! And alstromeira, which I really like.

The cherry tree is the giant red tree right at the back between the cypress trees. (this picture was taken at 10:30pm on the solstice. Thank god that's over, couldn't sleep at all!)
And the alstromeria are growing below all those tall trees in the shade...

I'm not saying that if it was raining everyday I would enjoy it as much, but I still think I would enjoy it a bit.


St. Louis Family said...

Those roses don't look so dead to me! Instead of dead-heading, you could be putting them into a vase in the house! Looks like you have a BEAUTIFUL garden. I love looking at gardens but am not the best at tending to them...except my vegetables...I check them every few hours to see if anything new is there!

momjoan said...

Those roses don't look dead to me either, Dana!
Who will take care of the garden while you are on holiday??

Jen said...

Roses were close enough to being dead!! They're dead now, anyway.

sharon said...

luverlee jardin. And some impressive knowledge of plant names. 3-1, you are outnumbered, those roses could've gone in a vase.