Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Agony and the Ecstacy

So you have an arch. It's got some kind of rose climbing on it, so you treat it well (well, as a rose deserves), you prune it and tend to it, waiting for showy, blowsy roses to appear and knock you out with their beauty and scent.

The you get this stupid crappy specimen, looks like it belongs in a hedge by the side of a motorway, now it looks like the gateway to a prison yard rather than a utopia. Stupid bloody roses. Sayonara.

But! There's a weird bush growing near the house, no idea what it is, thought it might be some kind of dogwood, not sure but there are LOADS of blooms coming and then a guy who came in to help with the garden said he wasn't sure maybe it was a Philodelphus? Might smell nice.

Nice? It smells like a candy shop, it is absolutely lovely and look at the millions of blooms on it!! When it fully flowers I am just going to sit under it and bask in the scent. Me and the bees. Fab.

1 comment:

St. Louis Family said...

Maybe you can teach the beautiful bush to grow up and over an arch!! It all looks beautiful to me.