Thursday, March 04, 2010

World Book Day

Happy World Book Day!! I love books- I am rereading 'The 6 Wives of Henry VIII' by Antonia Fraser, and enjoying every minute.

At school they were celebrating it as well today, with a 'dress as your favourite Scottish book character day'......what the what? That's limiting it, isn't it?! But I thought, easy, go as the Loch Ness Monster, Mae has plenty of dino outfits.

Then my husband (he will remain nameless) came home and said, 'what about Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde?'. He explained the story and Mae was hooked.

Who gets to sort out the costume?

Thank god we aren't in Tudor England!!!

Here's Toast (he's Baked Beans brother, so Mae has told us). He doesn't belong to us. He thinks we belong to him.

And it snowed again this week! This has been the longest (not worst) winter since I have been here!


Andrew said...

I love the Dr. Jekyll outfit! Fantastic!!

Who is that strange cat!? Meow! When I was a kid cinnamon toast was my favorite. Now I prefer bacon.

St. Louis Family said...

Wow! I LOVE that costume!! Reminds me of the time Jack came home and said he needed a Puffer Fish costume for the school play! I didn't even know it was World Book Day...I guess my kids' school missed that memo. What great photos! Mae is so cool! Keep 'em coming!

momjoan said...

Great job, Jen!! You and Geoff work well together! And Mae gets to be the coolest kid in class, I'll bet.

bethanne said...

Best. parents. ever.

John and Sharon said...

Uh Bethanne, I do read the comments on this blog.

Coo-ooo-ool though. Very cool.

Our school just got book vouchers, but no parental involvement/tasks.
