Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Here are some new additions to our house; a lovely new coffee table (no comments, please, oldies: it's RETRO!!) and a new colour in the kitchen (not yet completely completed!!!)

And more changes to the crew in Aberdeen whom we visited this weekend: a lovely house that we could all fit into, even around the table, without your butt touching the stove. Very pleasant indeed!!!
We had a great time with the girls, and John when he was around. As you may have seen, some face painting. Guess who is a dino, and who are butterfly, flowery girls.

Sharon even acquiesced to Mae painting her face, and it was a pretty good tiger, although as soon as she said 'I think I need to wash this off my face', the door rang!! This poor man thought he was just doing market research, I think he was glad to get out alive!!!
I have pictures of all the girls, but will send them to Sharon to divulge them at will as she is camera-less. Just a couple of Claire, who is definetly her own person. Total punk.

Friday, March 26, 2010


There was some laughing in our house last night. Laughing-till-you-cry laughing.

Hi Jock McCuddy, my cuddy's ower the dyke,
and if you touch my cuddy, my cuddy will gie yae a bite.

I can't even tell you how Mae translated this. But it was funny.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

What a little star! I was a bit concerned this week after parents night, when Mae's teacher said she had moved her a couple of times to 'help her focus'. She did quickly say this was not unlike any other child in the class, but everyday I hear (from the perp herself) that she was the 'best behaved' kid in the class. Sucker mum.

BUT! Then she came home yesterday with a Star Award! On Thursday she brought in a dino bone (or maybe sheep....), a lava rock and a fossil. Last two are bona fide. And gave a talk in front of her class and apparently even answered questions:

Q.Is that bone a hundred and fifty one catrillion years old?
A. Maybe. Maybe.

Q.Could a dinosaur eat 400 chickens a day?
A. Prob'ly.

Q.Did that dinosaur have a butt as big as 4 kids?
A.Hah hah hah (I imagine that was the end of show and tell)

Mae had to get her star award in front of the whole school at assembly, and had to get it from Mr Kelly, the Reverend. Is this 1976 Newfoundland? Weird.

In other news, Rumpole is finally making friends. Then the grey one, Charlie shows up.
And we continue to have friends over, which is nice in this house. Unfortunately all the kids who come in say how messy the house is. So I can't say it was down to the lack of storage in the last house.
They still enjoy dressing up and playing in the garden. Mae has made so much use of the tiger outfit, hopefully I can find more when we are home in the summer. The reason for the look on her face is that she has a gigantic wedgie!

Sunday, March 07, 2010


This is what I hate about our garden.

Roses. Just look at these suckers!

Thursday, March 04, 2010

World Book Day

Happy World Book Day!! I love books- I am rereading 'The 6 Wives of Henry VIII' by Antonia Fraser, and enjoying every minute.

At school they were celebrating it as well today, with a 'dress as your favourite Scottish book character day'......what the what? That's limiting it, isn't it?! But I thought, easy, go as the Loch Ness Monster, Mae has plenty of dino outfits.

Then my husband (he will remain nameless) came home and said, 'what about Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde?'. He explained the story and Mae was hooked.

Who gets to sort out the costume?

Thank god we aren't in Tudor England!!!

Here's Toast (he's Baked Beans brother, so Mae has told us). He doesn't belong to us. He thinks we belong to him.

And it snowed again this week! This has been the longest (not worst) winter since I have been here!