Thursday, June 18, 2009

Mosquitos, Midges and Ticks, oh my!

When I lived in Canada I was never really bothered by mosquitos, and I figured I must have some kind of magic elixir for blood, which helped me escape the torment.

So when we moved to Scotland, I thought, ' Bah, midges. Way tinier than mosquitos, and they don't like me, so I am not worried.' Swarms? When British people think that a flurry is a blizzard, I figured it was a slight exagerration.

Midges are awful. You can't see them at all, and it's like you are suddenly being stabbed by millions of tiny needles over and over in your scalp. They are the kind of thing that would make a person run screaming into the coldest lake.

But ticks? Oh, Jesus wept. I had another one on my leg today. It's HEAD in my leg. A little fat body and legs sticking out of my BODY. And you have to calmly and firmly grasp them with your tweezers and twist clockwise. Maybe more than once, as their heads are really stuck in. Ticks make me feel the scream welling up in my chest.


John and Sharon said...

So I'm thinking, on a Thursday, Jennifer goes to work in town, might stop at Marks and Spencers for something, picks Mae up from Liza's. Where, in your day, are you cavorting in tick and midge infested areas??

Jen said...

That's the other horrible thing- went for a walk in the woods on Tuesday. Bile is rising.

Anonymous said...

Do you feel them? We don't have them where we are(at least I don't think we do), but down in the US where we are passing through for our vacation - there are places that have them. I'll call on the weekend also.

Jen said...

no, not until you try to pull them out. It's the look of them that is horrifying, plus the statistical chance of Lyme Disease the more you get......