Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I Bid Ye Fair

This is the motto for Mae's soon to be school. And actually, I DON'T bid ye fair, because someone is taking time and moving it way too fast. When did Mae turn into a schoolkid?! Sure, I don't have to change nappies anymore, I just get threats that she is going to call Rebecca D's dad (who, incidentally, is a police officer) to put me in jail. I would rather change nappies.....

The funny thing with kids, though, is what they come up with in their spare time. One of the dads at the nursery works on a farm, mainly with poultry. Mae told me they were going to see the babies hatch out, as they now have a new 'chickilator' in class.


Andrew said...

A school-kid. Wow! That is something! Especially when I only get to see her ever 18 months or so. Hmmm... maybe I can fit a quick trip to Scotland in before I get married.

Jen said...

I think that would be great!!!!

sharon said...

See ya later, chickilator.

I Bid Ye Fair is a lovely school motto, much easier to remember than religiosum tediosum, or whatever it is.