Wednesday, January 07, 2009

OK breathe

having re-read my last post I hope I am not scaring any of you off with my ranting. Things pink and with high absorption get me going, but 2009 is going to be a year of calm, warm thoughts to all humankind, even admen.

So! Mae started her swimming lessons, and following it was told that she needed to come in with goggles next week. Having known Mae for almost 5 years now I thought this was impossible, but look at her in the bath, with her head UNDER WATER! ...who took my kid.....? I couldn't believe it and she was so proud of herself I told her I would let everyone know. The third picture struck me as looking like a very famous singer. Initials BV. Who can guess.

So, in the spirit of 2009....


Amanda said...

Hi Jen, Jeff and Mae

Happy New Year to all!!
Sounds like you had a good holiday as we did as well.

Good Plan Jen on staying calm in 2009, let me know how you do with that!

Mosher and Godin Clan

Bethanne Reynolds said...

That second picture is so great I think you should immediately copyright this blog so that no ad agency steals it! How gorgeous!!!
And, um... I'm all for being calm... for some people. It's way less fun on others!! Hint hint. Sorry not to be encouraging!