Saturday, January 10, 2009

Hear Speak and See some evil

Wow, last night I went to see 'The Boys in the Striped Pyjamas', having read the book over the holidays. The book was stunningly horrific and even knowing what happened at the end, my nerves were absolutely frayed coming out of the theatre. The score (which I never EVER pay attention to), was brutal and perfectly matched to my emotions.

Go see it and listen to the music. Read the book first if you want, but your heart will be pounding at the climax anyway.

And read this, it's an article by Naomi Klein about boycotting Israel. The news in Canada may not be the same as what we are seeing here (it rarely is, being heavily biased towards America)- but something needs to be done and boycotting may be a small step, but just standing by is unforgivable. I am sorry to pontificate, but if children are having to spend days waiting in terror for help, next to their dead mothers, an annoying blog isn't really a big deal.


John and Sharon said...

Her example of how setting up a boycott actually creates more dialougue, not less, was really good.

Bethanne Reynolds said...

Yes, very good. I've heard Naomi Klein speak and I usually like what she has to say. But all of Europe could boycot and it won't make any difference if the US is still supporting them like they do... and other sheep countries like Canada. Can we somehow boycot the US... that's what I'd be interested in!

momjoan said...

Calm down, girls. Israel is being roundly condemmed in Canada and the the people of both countries,and even if the governments are still seen to be supporting them,the pressure is mounting against that stand.
There have been marches and demonstrations on both sides of the border this past few weeks, mostly condemming Israel, but whichever side anyone supports, both countries are acting irresponsibly in this mess!!
People all over the world are the same when atrocities are being committed!!

Anonymous said...

It may not be in the news much but the Vatican is also strongly commending the mess. So the leaders should be getting the message although I suspect that they ignore it all anyway.

John and Sharon said...

Should we boycott America as they are the main supporter of Israel?
John tuppence worth

Anonymous said...

Sheep country! what's wrong with that? Don't they bring bread to your house?

Anonymous said...

I mean't to say 'condemning'. sorry