Monday, January 26, 2009

Tam O'Shanter

How cool was our Burns Night? The coolest, because we were in a huge lantern procession which was one of four that wound it's way downtown, and included timorous beasties,

dragons (I think in honour of Chinese New Year),

Horses (Meg), Ships, Geese,

and so on!! It was great, and although it never really proceeded anywhere after we got off the bridge, it was lovely to be a part of. Geoff and I then dashed home to leave for Glasgow, which was in order to see Cerys Matthews, his dream woman and wonderful singer, who put on a fabulous show!!

However, we missed the best part of the Parade, when Tam O' Shanter, Meg and the witch (made by Trevor Leat, who also makes the Wickerman sculpture for that festival) was lit and burnt in the middle of the river. Here are views from the morning, the parade, and the sacrifice! (courtesy of Ross)

Great Day all round, and Gung Hai Fat Chow to all as well!! Happy Year of the Water Buffalo!!!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Happy Robert Burns Day!

It's not really the kind of thing you ever imagine yourself saying (especially to a child) but it's 250 years since he was born and you live in the place that he died, well, it's a big deal.

Hopefully I will have some lovely photos tomorrow.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Is this damaging?

When Mae asked, why did Elvis die? I told her he ate fried peanut butter sandwiches. For breakfast, lunch and dinner. I did show some restraint: I didn't go into the barbituates issue.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Hear Speak and See some evil

Wow, last night I went to see 'The Boys in the Striped Pyjamas', having read the book over the holidays. The book was stunningly horrific and even knowing what happened at the end, my nerves were absolutely frayed coming out of the theatre. The score (which I never EVER pay attention to), was brutal and perfectly matched to my emotions.

Go see it and listen to the music. Read the book first if you want, but your heart will be pounding at the climax anyway.

And read this, it's an article by Naomi Klein about boycotting Israel. The news in Canada may not be the same as what we are seeing here (it rarely is, being heavily biased towards America)- but something needs to be done and boycotting may be a small step, but just standing by is unforgivable. I am sorry to pontificate, but if children are having to spend days waiting in terror for help, next to their dead mothers, an annoying blog isn't really a big deal.

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

OK breathe

having re-read my last post I hope I am not scaring any of you off with my ranting. Things pink and with high absorption get me going, but 2009 is going to be a year of calm, warm thoughts to all humankind, even admen.

So! Mae started her swimming lessons, and following it was told that she needed to come in with goggles next week. Having known Mae for almost 5 years now I thought this was impossible, but look at her in the bath, with her head UNDER WATER! ...who took my kid.....? I couldn't believe it and she was so proud of herself I told her I would let everyone know. The third picture struck me as looking like a very famous singer. Initials BV. Who can guess.

So, in the spirit of 2009....

Sunday, January 04, 2009

This takes the cake...

My pet peeve is pantyliner and pad commercials. The latest is for Always, where two pantyliners turn miraculously into ballet slippers and go dancing around a maxi pad dancefloor. The tag line is "Have a Happy Period"


I couldn't find the actual ad to download, but get a load of the website. I would love to meet the people who come up with this stuff. Really.

Back to life, back to reality....

do you have that song in your head now? Hee hee!!

Well, it's the last day of holiday and it has been a really good one. Our trip to Nottingham to visit the Mitras was chilled and fun, as usual. It's great to have friends you can easily relax with; and now that they have a Wii (!!!) we really had a laugh!!

Mae became an expert at bowling (even getting a few turkeys, which you may or may not know is a run of three strikes)- and Geoff played baseball!! I think that a Wii will be our next big purchase, especially since we are not buying the house we made an offer on- the family are too greedy....

Mae and Maya and Jamie all played really well together and we all went out for a nice Indian meal together with Helen's sister and her son. I really missed our big meals out with Joy and Helen, which stopped when children came along.

So tomorrow its back to school, work, and clearing up Christmas. I may hit more sales....

I hope you all have a great 2009. There's alot to look forward for us this year. Geoff gets to see Cerys Matthews in concert, I get a trip (or two) to Stobo, and there's at least one new baby coming. Happy 2009!!!