Sunday, June 15, 2008


I am so not ready for this......:

Mae met a little girl yesterday, from the bottom of the next street over, which is just across the road and over the path. She wanted Mae to play with her but it was late so I said come over tomorrow.

At dinner time tonight she came to the door (Geoff answered) and asked: 'Can thingy come over to play at my house?'

So after dinner I walked her over and she (Erin) was nowhere to be found. Her dad didn't seem worried about this. He said he would tell her when she came home. Erin is 6.

So Erin comes to collect Mae and Geoff walks them over. He told Erin that Mae needs to be back in half and hour.

Geoff and I sit in the front garden (one eye on Erin's house in case of fire) until half six, when I wandered over. They weren't in the back garden so I knocked the door and Erin's mum said that she was walking Mae back.

I walked back home, panicking, as they were nowhere to be seen. Geoff went one way and I went back to their road, where Mae and Erin are strolling with ice creams. Mae said she had met all of Erin's friends and they were having a waterballoon fight but she didn't get wet.

I need to lie down now......

Survey question:

This happened in a distance (from one front door to the other) of about 275 feet. Would you let your four year old do this?


John and Sharon said...

Nope. Anyone who calls your daughter thingy is not welcome. I'd start calling her and her family wotsyergob, to their face, and hope they stop speaking to you.

St. Louis Family said...

Nope...I was panicking reading it! I do think the distance away from us our kids can go has changed since we were kids and I don't think it's entirely justified, but I've just started letting Hannah walk around the block by herself...she's 9 and I know almost every neighbour she'll pass! And I'm one of the more liberal parents in the neighbourhood!

Jen said...

Thanks for that, Dana- we came up with that last night. It's alright if she would stay in the garden but we had no idea who she was with.

Anonymous said...

I don't blame you for trying.
I have a friend whose 8 year old son isn't allowed to go over to a particular friend's house because of similar issues. So the friend always comes over to her house. Try that, maybe. To properly answer the survey, I wouldn't let her go again with that girl, only play in my own yard.

tracey said...

The kids here run around with each other and we all know who's who but I don't let Rose yet because she's a wee bit too young...maybe when she's 20 we'll let her...otherwise I ditto Bethanne.

tracey said...

ps i also ditto Sharron and John on the whole "thingy" thingy.

Anonymous said...

Keep her in your sight for as long as possible.

It won't be long before she'll be off and about pubbing!