Sunday, June 22, 2008

Solstice Sucks

Most of you would think that I mean the winter solstice: living so far north we have very short days. But NON! I mean the summer solstice.
You would think that longer days are great but I can't sleep! It's light until about 1:30 am, then dawn at about 3:30. It's crazy, but it's awful crazy.

Here's Friday nite in our garden after 10 p.m. (No flash!!)

But we are all trying to make the most of the bad situation; Geoff and Mae watched the Riding of the Marches, which is some old tradition in this area- where loads of horses mark out the borders of the towns. They watched the gallop at Kingholm while I was at New Lanark celebrating a friend getting older (see Sharon's blog for photos- good day!!). I was slightly nervous about the gallop as I have heard there has been various mishaps (human and equine) in the past. Alas, they survived!

I am also looking forward to the summer with Mae. It's funny, I don't have many early memories- they start at about Mae's age. One of my earliest? Playing in water sprinklers with my pals- how odd to see my daughter doing it now!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those sprinklers look like great fun!!