Monday, March 17, 2008

Please help

Please everyone, start sending letters to your MP's as well as the president of the olympic commitee, Jaques Rogge to about the crackdown in Tibet.
Even if you are not interested in Tibet, or the Olympic Games, this is a human rights issue. I know everyone who reads this blog and that you all would stand up for that.

Mae and I went to Samye Ling yesterday and one of the Tibetan women there was telling me she has no contact with her family. She doesn't know if they are dead or alive, and may never know, due to the lack of information. Please help these people.


Anonymous said...

Done! Mom

St. Louis Family said...

Done! Dana

Jen said...

Thank you!!

John and Sharon said...

Done. Sharon

Anonymous said...

Done, asr

Jen said...

Hey, I just got an email back from my MP, Russell Brown! He is going to get some questions about the situation out there at Prime Minister's questions this Wednesday, hopefully!
Go Russell

Anonymous said...


I am in Taiwan,I know the Tibetan issue to China is different from ours, however; this horrific violence makes me sad , there's a Chinese proverb says, "when the rabbit die, then is about time to the dog" ...

Free Tibet

jiun may

Anonymous said...

We all support China financially every day by buying stuff that is made in China. I feel a bit guilty asking people who organise a sports competition to take responsibility for China's human rights abuses, when we all buy their cheap stuff giving them both money and power.
Still, better than doing nothing I suppose.

Jen said...

'... by allowing Beijing to host the Games you will help the development of human rights'

Liu Jingmin, then Vice President of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games Bid Committee - April 2001

Jacques Rogge said a year later that he was confident that this would happen. I wouldn't feel too guilty, Chris, I am sure he can handle a few emails.
So you see, the Chinese made these Olympics political. And they haven't kept that promise at all, as the violence, detentions and abuses are increasing leading up to the games.

And although so many products are made in China there are alternatives. I buy with pride any toy, in particular, that is made elsewhere! And I buy second hand, so the money doesn't go directly to China. Mae doesn't appear too bothered...We don't all just buy things mindlessly....

You are able to practice your own faith, no problem. And communicate with whom you want in a way that you choose. Shall I send you a picture of a dead monk...?

Anonymous said...

Well said, Jen!!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're not buying stuff from China Jen, and I'm trying not to as well. I just don't know why that isn't being shouted louder by protesters than "boycott the olympics"?
I guess boycotting the olympics is an easier option for most people in the west (except athletes) as its only sports and not money.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jen,

Have sent an email protest to my MP and the PM; since they call me for money all time - I figure it's time for them to do something for me, too.

I've also been boycotting products from China, for sometime, although today I went out shopping without my glasses and bought a very nice jacket that I thought was made in Canada ... well, at least it started with a 'C'