Saturday, February 09, 2008


Two definitions of the above word:

1. What happens to Jennifer's sleep when Mae wakes up with a nightmare, and compounded by Rumpole's less than human understanding that it is not time to get up.

2. The fact that Mae described a dream about losing a loveheart on the computer when she was making me a valentine as a nightmare. And screaming and crying about it.

Read the above definitions then tell me who is the MOST disturbed.


Anonymous said...

How small children view the world and what is important to them in it bears no resemblance to what we consider "important"!
Maybe that is when "each generation is smarter than the previous" begins! Obi Mom

Anonymous said...

At least you can go back to sleep with a lovely thought but when ones dream of sending a valentine to one's love is shattered, it is devastating.

Jen said...

Good one, Aubrey- have you experienced that before? I am sending you a Valentine for that comment, it makes me a better mother!!!