Monday, March 26, 2007

Spring has sprang

We are recovering from our holiday, which was lovely, got to go sledding! Mae got to use her snowsuit once before she grows out of it.

Sharon came on Friday morning with the girls (John followed in the evening) for a fun filled day of skating, easter egg hunting, fun and games, and Saturday Lesley came for a weekend visit and fun on the farm.

Next weekend Joy, Helen, Maya and Jamie are coming for four days and the week after Geoff's old (not OLD!) work colleague Carole is coming with her daughter Amber (may will have fun- Amber is a teenager and teenagers are COOL!) and the week after that my cousin Mike and little Abbey are coming for a few days.

So, who wants to come care for us the week after.........

Homage to one of my favourite paintings- the Death of Marat. This is what I will be like after April, lying in the bath writing my shopping list. Pretend he's asleep, not dead.


St. Louis Family said...

Sounds great, but exhausting. Wish I lived closer to borrow Mae for you for a few days!

Jen said...

ooh, what about a cheap airline ticket? But does that mean a three-for-one deal...?Scary!!