Monday, March 05, 2007

Growing up too fast

I was in the library today, with Mae, who decided she needed to take in her play cash register. Fine, it wasn't too loud, kept her amused, I was able to look for books myself. Great.

So we were walking by the libarians, one of whom was actually in a good mood (I have never met a librarian who wasn't a cranky moo)- and she asked- 'what's that you have there?'.

Mae mumbled something so I said 'the librarian asked you a question , Mae.'

She said it again: 'what's that you have there?'


Do you know what a PSP is? It's a Play Station Portable. Not a cash register, a play station portable.

Mae isn't 3 yet. Think we are in trouble???


Bethanne Reynolds said...

I'd give a million bucks and my own PSP to see the look on your face!

John and Sharon said...

That is twice as funny when you see the pictures.