Monday, August 07, 2006

Tilly Boppy- Lou and the Stobart Spotters

Those of you not from Britain will not get that title, and those you you from Britain are going to think I am so sad.....

Well, I had some of the girls from work in Bristol up at the beginning of July- we had a great time, and one of them, Michelle, had been in Dumfries before. On the way to our house from the airport she said they had stopped in Carlisle, of course, as the Eddie Stobart yard is there. Eddie Stobart is a trucking company. In my ignorance, I asked why in the world would you stop at a truck yard. Then (and to my eternal pain) Mich said that all the Stobart trucks have womens names on them and it is a big thing to be a spotter. I flipped, and screamed, 'Now I'M a Stobart Spotter! DAMN YOU!'

So we went to Nottinham this weekend, and it was a hell of a drive, only to be made slightly better by Stobart spotting. ( I think the first truck was Tilly BETTY- Lou, but this is what I saw and if we ever have a second child and it's a girl, she will almost certainly be called Tilly Boppy- Lou)

But the main reason we went was for Geoff's gran's funeral, which was nice and not too sad. It was good to see Geoff's family and Mae and her cousin Lauren played together. Mae fell in love with Geoff's uncle Arthur- she loves old guys!!
And we stayed at Joy and Helen's, which was tiring but great. Maya, 3, and Jamie, 1 are sweeties. Jamie doesn't like me at all, for some reason, so I am going to have to work on him. Maya and Mae play together really well for their age but it was run run run, scream scream scream most of the time!!

So, now we are back to reality and now I will be focusing on getting ready to go back to work but before that going to Canada! I can't wait to get home!!!

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