Wednesday, August 16, 2006

oh Mungo!

Well, yesterday I decided to take Mungo back to the Vets. He's been losing weight for months and when I took him in April she said take him back if you are concerned but he seems okay at the moment.
He's getting skinnier, drinking more and oddly, his ribs look bigger(?). Well, the vet yesterday listened to his chest and said he has fluid on it, could be his lungs or heart, we'll keep him in tonight. What?! Oh Mungo, we didn't even say a proper goodbye (well, he did piss on me when I put him in his box)
The vet called later and said they took 150 mls of fluid off his chest. Maybe that's why his ribs looked bigger...? I shouldn't own a pet!
So last night, the night before I started work (TODAY!) we though Rumpole would be upset. Well, Mae didn't want to go to bed first of all- there was a fireman in her room and she was scared..
Then at 1 am I heard Rumpole doing his glglglglgl!? glglglgllgl?! noise and I thought he was lonely so I called him up to the bed, at which point he deposited a wee dead mouse. The first one since we have moved, thank you. (It used to be carnage in Bristol)
Then he woke up Mae by opening her door at 3 am.
Then Mae walked into my room at 5.30 saying she has heard a noise and wants to watch some TV.
wish me luck for my first day!!!!

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