Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Christmas Story

The story for us, not the original! There were no virgin births here, although I haven't checked the shed...

We had a really nice, peaceful Christmas, although I think Mae missed her cousins a bit- she is looking forward to a trip to Edinburgh that we may make at the end of the week. We had a great time though, with Lilian and Ross, thanks for coming! As usual, Lilian was helpful in the kitchen (and I only burned my eyeballs when I sent everyone out for a walk) and Ross entertained Mae with her Lego and even Just Dance on the Wii!

Mae asked for dolls from Santa this year (yes dolls!) and LOVES them! How crazy is that? But she was also pretty excited about her Justin Bieber pyjamas!

And making sure were not too age appropriate in the house, she got a couple of Sing-a-ma-jigs, which are the cutest things ever. Me and Lilian also liked them (see below!)

I got some posh slippers, no seeds in them yet from feeding the birds.....

It was grand. I hope everyone else had a great time and spent it in their pyjamas.


momjoan said...

Nice pics, Mae! Looks like you were a VERRRRY good girl!!

John and Sharon said...

Beautiful tree, beautiful slippers and beautiful lady in a red dress! I am looking forward to seeing Geoff's Wii dance moves.