Friday, August 21, 2009


Well, day one at school is finished, and just a few tears (from me when we met Liza who started me off on the way!! ). But Mae loved it and can't wait to get back. Although she was slightly dissappointed she didn't do writing or reading. Long may it continue!!!


momjoan said...

I feel like bawling myself!!

John and Sharon said...

Who's on Mae's lunchbox?

Jen said...


Anonymous said...

I'm glad she can't wait to get back!

Anonymous said...

She looks so grown up and SOOOO happy, not sure I was as happy as either Lauren or Mae on my first day at school!!!
Give her a big hug from me and wish her all the best for next week.

tracey said...

I loooooove the pic of her in class head tilted up in anticipation!

...did I spell that wrong?