"Who do you think you will vote for?"
Me: "Well, I would vote Green...."
Old guy: "There isn't a Green candidate, though."
Me: "I know, but there is an Independent candidate who promotes green issues."
Old Guy: "We both know that person won't win, and if you vote for them, then the Tories will get in again. It's a wasted vote."

I would have seriously thought about it, however about two minutes before he showed up at the door I had been to the end of the drive to get the garbage bin, with Mae on my back. Obviously struggling, I see a gaggle of these canvassers coming up the street. Not one of them offered to help. So bite me.
And on the subject of new pictures in this blog, here is a beautiful watercolour Mae did at school last week.
And a couple of rationed cute kid photos. With obligatory message....miniactivisto.
And random thought for the day?
'Poo is in the air' (sillage spreading time, methinks. the only downside of living in a rural area)
Hope that ticked a few boxes.