Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Serving Suggestion

Not much has been happening here in lazy town since Christmas. A bit of beachcombing, doorknob gazing and wining and dining friends.

And, arguing with Librarians, who, in my experience are musty old bats. So they said I had two books out, one of which I don't remember even taking out, and the other I distinctly remember returning. They have done this before, somehow not noted them as returned; most times after I return them I take new ones out, so have caught them in the act. I think they practice black book magic, and would even go so far as to say they are quite bureaucratic. So I went in twice to tell them these books had been brought back, and that pre and post Christmas the house was TOTALLY cleaned (they don't need to know my style of cleaning), and that I don't keep books, I bring them to charity shops when they are finished so I have VERY FEW books in my house. They won't listen. They said they would renew a couple more times and if I don't find the books I have to pay for them. The cheek. The book-hiding freaks. I am very appalled. How VERY dare they.

Then I found them.

Who am I going to rope into returning them on my sorry-ass behalf? I blame Andrew, who frenetically cleaned up the night I took Mom (see photos. another point against me, not publishing any photos of mom over the holiday. See? She was here!) to the airport, so as not to invoke my wrath. Or do I have to bite the bullet and do it myself?


Anonymous said...

Enough already! I promise not to be so petty anymore! (unless it happens again, of course) Ma

St. Louis Family said...

That's hilarious! I did the exact same thing and slipped it in the slot when the library was closed!