Sunday, September 16, 2007

I don't believe it!!!!

So this weekend we went to Cream O' Galloway- the best ice cream in Britain. For those of you who have tried Cornish ice cream, it doesn't compare. Yummy. Here's Mae having a double chocolate.
She almost finished it......
Then we went to the David Coulthard Museum. He is a Formula One driver who is from the area, and Mae was so excited. We are in deep trouble. I really think she is going to end up a girl racer. She ran around the place saying I don't believe it! then ran up to the woman at the counter and asked if she could touch the cars. That's when the woman said she could pick one and sit in it- I can't tell you how happy she was!! See her looking at all the memorabilia? I really don't get it, but hey, she must get it from her Papa...
And here's a pic for Rita- here are the fairy earrings the dummy fairie gave Mae. Thank god they are slightly painful- they put Mae off real ones. It won't happen anyway. I used to hate my dad for saying I couldn't have earrings until I was 16- then I got shot in the earlobes with those evil guns and I realised he was right....


Bethanne Reynolds said...

I like the clipped back do! Very cute on her. And I disagree about the earrings... the sooner you shoot that gun, the less memory she'll have of it, and the more pleasure she'll get out of wearing cute stuff in her ears! Go do it!
How funny is she about those cars?! You've got the best girl ever.

Anonymous said...

Amazing pictures, amazing girl. I'll bring the darning needle and the potatoe when we come! That's how our girls got their ears pierced!

Jen said...

Sounds like some kinda tribal initiation!! Did you get pancakes afterwards...?