Geoff and I saw two unmarked police cars speeding up the motorway on Saturday. Later in the night (not having watched the news) we discussed terrorism in Scotland. We all discounted it. Then we saw the news on Sunday morning.

I like Gordon Brown. I think he is a good guy. But I don't think there is any turning back, we have radicalised people into doing things like this. We have walked into Glasgow Airport through that door many times. Which is quite frightening but probably much less frightening than being an Iraqi in Basra at the moment.

Get us out of this war, Gordon. Do the right thing.
On a much lighter note, we had a great time at Lauren's thrid birthday party. She and Mae played hospital after everyone else had left, hijacking a vegetable trolly to transport their babies into the doctors room. Very imaginative!!
Later on Sunday we hit the forest, where we found evidence of faeries. A teepee and a twirl. Both shots by Mae; soon we'll call her Man Ray.

Later on Sunday we hit the forest, where we found evidence of faeries. A teepee and a twirl. Both shots by Mae; soon we'll call her Man Ray.

At the forest I picked up a tick. Just for the gross out factor, here's what it looked like. (Note: I had my trousers tucked into wellies. How did it get on my leg!!!???)

And for a real gross out, here's something I found on the net. EEEEWWWW!!

And on a happy note- nice to hear from you Eric, hope to meet you sometime!!
Great post. Fairies, ticks, terrorism, long lost friends, birthday parties. The post is like a 5 course meal!
Which is maybe what the tick is having. Did you get it out?
I pulled it out, thinking it was a little scab. Then I saw the legs. Then I screamed.
Have you heard the Brad Paisley song 'I'd like to check you for tics'? It's close to # 1 on the charts.
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