Tuesday, October 10, 2006

EEEEUGH! Would I ever need a lot of sauce for THAT!

Gross me out! I just found a tick in the laundry room! Who do I call?! 911? Gross me out the door.

Sharon told me that when she was here Ailsa got sucked by one. Apparently it was still wriggling when the health visitor pulled it out. (Cue shivers down the spine).

And I met this woman Libby this summer who's husband is a postman and he got one on his testicle. Hence, the title of the blog..... okay, let's drop this subject.

Here's a bit of advice.

DON'T rent 'The Weatherman'- it's a movie starring Nicholas Cage and it sucks (worse than any tick)
DO read 'A Confedracy of Dunces' by John Kennedy Toole. It was written in the 60's and as yet doesn't seem to be going anywhere but that's good because I don't want it to end. It is very well written and an easy read. Go get it!!!

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