Monday, September 25, 2006

Our favourite bits...

This is a quick blog as we are still recovering, although Mae was fab on the plane- conked out at the gate in Halifax and woke up at the gate in Glasgow (she rocks my world, that kid), but last night was not wonderful and I feel like a new, very tired parent now so this may make little sense. So just a few pics-

Geoff's favourite bit (beaches)

Mae's favourite bit (firestations)

My favourite (family, even the wacky ones)
Although seeing friends, like Joanne, Amy and Luke (they are a pair, two-for-one deal) and Nat was great too!


St. Louis Family said...

Looks like you had a great time! How long were you home? Or is home the wrong word? That Mae sure is a cutie! Can't wait to meet her in real one day. Is that your brother in the last photo?! I probably haven't seen him in 20 years!


Jen said...

Yep, that's Andrew! And in the second photo is Luke Lachance! We had a great time, yeah I still call it home but it wasn't so bad coming back to Scotland rather than Bristol.

Jen said...

Yeah, I am getting ready for your visit to Scotland already!
Luke volunteers at the firestation- nuts eh? He hasn't changed a bit, otherwise- still a smart arse!