Gawd! I feel like I haven't had any time at all to blog, but I think the fact of the matter is that we have now moved the computer into the 'playroom' or 'rec room' that I can't be bothered. Although we are all happy to have so much more space, it either feels a bit lonely or Mae tells us to get out when she is playing, and I am not going to argue with a bit of play independence!!
So here it is, in all it's fruit salad glory!! The acid yellow wall was meant to be a bit more chartreuse, and we only bought the apple green couch after painting it. It was the only sofa bed that would fit in the room! So it's quite colourful but what the hell.

And here is the lonely corner where the computer used to be. It needs a load of something, but I haven't found it yet. We'll take our time considering the austerity cuts are coming soon and we both may be out of jobs!!

Also, besides concerns about the future of the economy, we still have to visit friends!! So last weekend we braced ourselves for the cold chill of eastern Scotland and headed to Aberdeen! This isn't Sharon's new house, just Dunottar Castle, for all you Mel Gibson fans. We met the female of the Reid species on the way here for a brisk 2 minute walk (again, cold chill) and a lovely picnic.

Lots of chillin', walkin', playin' to be had. I also got to read some old letters I wrote to Sharon about 20 years ago. Why didn't someone have me psychoanalysed at the time? Thank god I have become so much more balanced. It's very strange to look back at yourself when you are younger, but I certainly had a way with words....most of them to do with bodily functions.

And, as with all of her older sisters, it is taking Laura some time to warm up to me. But I have Claire on my side and that is a pretty good feeling!!