Thursday, January 28, 2010

should work

if you weren't getting the video, I think it's fixed!

Monday, January 25, 2010

The Bard

Seeing as it's Burns Night, I thought you would like Mae's latest learnt poem. Canadians: translate!!!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Decisions decisions

This past week has been heavy with bad decisions:
The schools deciding to stay closed till last Friday, which meant I had to take Tuesday off work as I didn't have childcare.
My decision to send Mae to her childminder's on Wednesday even though she told me she was sick in the morning. Two hours at work and I had to go pick the poor girl up. I was off till Friday.
And Mae's decision to roast marshmallows on the woodstove today. Me and Geoff (and initially, Mae) thought it was a great decision until she remembered she hates marshmallows. She just looked at me with stringy marshmallow between her fingers and said 'Ungh! GOD! Gross!' with her mouth hanging open until I stopped laughing and told her to go spit it in the toilet.