God that went fast! Christmas came and went in a mad rush to open every single present in under 20 minutes, along with a good meal and the usual three desserts, kids actually getting along and lots and lots of dancing, thanks to Xbox 360.
It was a great day- can't believe though, how much preparation is needed. But we had loads of help especially from a fab sister in law and now we can just sit back and relax for more than another whole week away from work!!
Mae loved it all. She and her cousins got along great guns and even though little Andrew almost ended up superglued to the kitchen table (bad auntie Jen), it all went off without a hitch.

Here's her new elephant, Mom, which was a hit. ALMOST as good as a real live hamster! She was actually speechless, and has said ever since that she can't believe she got a real live pet for Christmas. And when we showed her Bruce, the new Chinese Dwarf Hamster, he was gamely hanging from the roof, which was a feat we hadn't seen him accomplish up to that point. Go Bruce!

Christmas pj's, also courtesy of mom. But loads of other cool gifts, and a big thank you from all of us.

One of three desserts at the end of a very long day in the kitchen. But I might do it again in a few years. Next year, Colonel Sanders will be cooking!!

The requisite Christmas photo. Andrew was quickly losing it, but this was good. Then I told them to make funny faces.

I think only Mae heard me!