Another Christmas turkey is Mae's latest haircut, which she loves. I am not so sure, although I paid the hairdresser (does this look like an asymetrical bob or two haircuts on the same person? I mean, really, for jeepers in hecks' sake!) Thank god for knowing kindly hairdressers; we are booked in on January 4th and that is one appointment we are not going to miss!
One of the best parts about this Christmas has been the snow-loads!!! A perfect beginning in our new home- even though we continue to struggle with the downdraft from the woodstove and are probably slowly poisoning ourselves, the scene outside still warms the heart. I think it's also done me good for about a week taking Mae everywhere in her sled. Good workout!
Then on Boxing Day went to the relatives' house to hang out and continue to fall in love with our new nephew, who looks alot like Bonhomme! He is jolly and happy and quick to smile, but the one thing about him is that he HAS to know what is going on, and his head is on a swivel checking everyone out all the time!
Even more snow outside their back window! We couldn't get the girls outside, little misses.