Busy waiting for our fabulous, overpriced sofa!
And busy watching our ants, whom I have grown incredibly fond of- they are so interesting!! They love strawberries (yes, we all knew that...), they put their dead friends all together in a pile, and one is getting very inquistive when I give them droplets of water to drink; he's started running up the dropper and out of the farm for a wee explore. They are so cool and what a great gift for Mae's birthday!!
And busy watching our ants, whom I have grown incredibly fond of- they are so interesting!! They love strawberries (yes, we all knew that...), they put their dead friends all together in a pile, and one is getting very inquistive when I give them droplets of water to drink; he's started running up the dropper and out of the farm for a wee explore. They are so cool and what a great gift for Mae's birthday!!